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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners


Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

Training with Kettle Weights has been proven to add strength and stability to your core which is very important for athletes in all sports. When working out with kettle weights, your body naturally uses almost all muscle groups regardless of the area you are trying to target which is a real bonus as you get a full body workout no matter which particular exercises are in your routine. In this article, I'll step you through a basic, full body, core strengthening exercise that you can do with a single kettle bell.

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

The Kettlebell Swing: The Kettlebell swing is a great exercise particularly for beginners. It allows you to get a feel for the weight of the kettle ball and how it feels in you grip as you move with it. Another reason it is great for beginners is that you only need a single kettle bell. To execute the kettlebell swing:
Stand with feet shoulder width apart with the one kettle bell on the floor between your feet. Keeping your back straight, bend at the knees and hips and reach down with one arm to grab the kettle ball. Remain slightly bent at the hips and knees and hold the kettle bell so it is about a foot off the ground. Remember your back should remain flat for the entire exercise. Keeping your arm locked straight, swing the kettle weight back slightly then swing it forcefully forwards and explosively extend your knees and hips so you are standing upright. The kettle bell should swing as high as your chest so your arm is parallel to the ground. Let the weight swing back down between your legs so you are back at the starting position momentarily then explode up and out again.You should start by doing 10 swings then change arms and repeat. At no point in the swings should you stop. It is a fluid exercise so you should be in motion the whole time until you have done your 10 reps. If 10 is too many, start off with 5. You can always increase the number you perform as your confidence and strength increases. There are dozens and dozens of other great exercises that you can do with kettle weights. Some are more advanced than others so you can work your way through them as you progress and increase your strength and tone.

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners
Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

 Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners
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Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners Specifications

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

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Kettle Weights - Exercise For Beginners

Roasted Chicken Breast w/ Spinach & Walnuts - Anabolic Cooking PDF Free

Roasted Chicken Breast w/ Spinach & Walnuts - Anabolic Cooking PDF Free

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Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power


Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

If there's one thing you take from this article, let it be that power is a result of the combination of strength and speed (strength + speed = power). When designing a training program to improve hand speed and punching power, you can't have a one-dimensional view on things. Your exercise selection and training parameters (reps, contraction speed, rest etc.) should be varied for optimal results.

Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Before I got into martial arts, my chest workouts consisted of the standard decline, flat and incline pressing movements and occasionally, I'd throw in a cable fly exercise to finish off. Now that my priorities have shifted from bodybuilding to hand speed and punching power, my workout goes something like this.

Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power
Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Flat Barbell Press

 Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power
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Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power Specifications

Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

I start things off with the barbell bench press exercise and I'll go relatively heavy. The purpose of this is to develop maximum strength (recall that punching power is a result of strength and speed). If you can, attach chains or resistance bands to the end of the barbell as doing so will provide additional resistance as you drive the barbell upwards.

Hand speed & punching power exercise guidelines

5 Sets Gradually increase the weight Repetitions = 10,8,6,4,1-2 Rest = 2-4 minutes (heavier load = longer rest)
Smith Machine Throws

This is a great exercise for hand speed and punching power as it's done in an explosive fashion. For this exercise, you would use only around 25% of what you would normally use for your regular sets. As for the execution, you basically toss it up as high as you can, catch it, quickly lower the barbell towards the chest (don't go beyond a 90 degree angle) and toss the barbell up again. For the greatest improvements in hand speed and punching power, the movement should be done as quickly as possible.

Hand speed & punching power exercise guidelines

3 Sets 6-8 repetitions per set Rest = 3 minutes
Plyometric Push Ups

Yet another great exercise for hand speed and punching power is the plyometric push up. To perform the exercise, you will need to find two of the steps used in aerobics classes and position them between 4-6 feet apart (depending on the length of your arms). You start in a push up position with 1 hand placed atop each bench. When you're ready, push off and move your hands to a position between the steps. Without hesitation, explode upwards and move your hands back atop the steps.

Hand speed & punching power exercise guidelines

3 sets As many reps as possible (to make it harder, increase the height of the steps) Rest interval = 3 minutes
Resistance Band Punches

This is about as functional as it gets. Resistance band punches are excellent for hand speed and punching power as you're simply punching against resistance. To perform the exercise, all you do is wrap a couple resistance bands around the bar on a pulley station (or anything that's shoulder height). You then grasp the handles and ensure that the bands are positioned under your arms. From there, it's easy - you shadowbox. If I have a workout partner, I'll get him to hold some pads for me. It's actually pretty fun. As you fatigue, you simply drop one band and continue the exercise (providing your using more than one resistance band).

Hand speed & punching power exercise guidelines

3 rounds 1 minute each 1 minute rest
Freemotion Hooks

I perform this exercise on the freemotion cable machine. Not every gym has one of these. If yours does, then I guess you're in luck. The resistance band exercise worked on hand speed and punching power for your straight shots while this exercise is designed to train your hand speed and punching power on your hooks. The freemotion hook exercise is also great for developing rotary power within your core.

Hand speed & punching power exercise guidelines

3 sets (each arm) 10 repetitions Rest = 1 minute

So there you have it. Five easy-to-implement exercises for hand speed and punching power. Give them a try and you should see noticeable hand speed and punching power improvements within only a few weeks.

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Hand Speed Workout - 5 Exercises to Increase Punching Power

Anabolic Cooking PDF Free The Muscle Cook`s 10 Most Anabolicious Recipes - by Dave Ruel. These quick and easy ...


Thursday, May 9, 2013



Tube. Duration : 8.78 Mins.








The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding


The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

Inevitably there's a myth that soy protein is horrible for bodybuilding and that if you are any where near serious about working out or building muscle you will stay away from it. In fact, some sites show 'studies' that soy protein and soy products can be detrimental to your health. And while it's true that early claims of soy wonders might not be entirely true, there's also myth that soy protein is bad.

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

First off, there's a concept called the Biological Value Scale that was developed to measure the quality of specific proteins. It basically rates how efficiently your body will use a given protein source. The higher the BV (biological value), the more amino acids and nitrogen your body is retaining from the foods you eat. In sum, it becomes a way to measure the potential for quality muscle growth and strength.

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding
The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

There was a time when egg whites were at the top of the BV with a score of around 100. Since then, whey proteins have toped out the scales around 106-159 BV. This means that whey protein is better used for quality muscle growth.

 The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding
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The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding Specifications

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding

But first a warning!

This doesn't mean that all you would utilize is whey protein for all your needs. Many times bodybuilders will use a variety of proteins depending on the BV and the times of day and if they just finished a workout.

Let me explain... Your protein needs in the morning are different then the middle of the day and are different again AFTER a workout and again different before bed.

All this means is that no one protein is the best for any given time. But before I get lost... let me show you the biological value scale in a simple form.

Type of Protein :: Biological Value Rating

Whey: 106-159 Egg: 100 Cow's Milk: 91 Fish: 83 Casein: 80 Beef: 80 Chicken: 79 Soy: 74 Wheat Gluten: 54 Kidney Beans: 49

For all these reasons, you can and should see that soy protein is listed lower. That just means it's not the most anabolic of proteins for optimal muscle growth.

But don't get me wrong...

This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat soy protein if you enjoy it. It simply means that barring any religious beliefs or personal preferences, soy would not be the ideal protein source for enhanced muscle gains. This doesn't mean you cannot have it or that it's bad for you.

In fact, let's continue on with a little example.

John Q. Public 13% body fat 184 lbs 160 lbs of LBM (lean body mass)

For simplification we'll just say that for every LB of LBM (pound of lean body mass) John wants to get 1 g of protein.

John should be consuming 160 g of protein a day.

Here's where the myth and some problems come into play! Read carefully.

If you get a vast amount of your protein from less BV sources then optimal (beans, soy) you will not prime your muscles for optimal anabolic growth. John shouldn't be getting 150+ grams of soy protein a day IF he wants to create the most muscle mass and he has no personal reasons not to use better quality sources.

John also won't be in jeopardy of losing muscle or wasting his efforts if he ingests small quantities of soy proteins because he likes them. Having soy in his cereal is not going to make a difference.

The myth that soy will cause men to produce estrogen is when VAST quantities are ingested. Far beyond what any rational person would want to do on a prolonged basis.

A bodybuilder that has soy will not feel any differences, be any less anabolic then another person who does not consume soy at all.

Fact: A long-term metabolic balance study in young men to assess the nutritional quality of an isolated soy protein and beef proteins (VR Young, A Wayler, C Garza, FH Steinke, E Murray, WM Rand, and NS Scrimshaw) was published in 1984 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Am. J. Clinical Nutrition, Jan 1984; 39: 8 - 15.

After 84 days of two groups, one totally isolated soy protein and the other on beef proteins, found a conclusion that:

"Body cell mass measurements did not reveal any deterioration in protein nutritional status. These observations confirm the prediction, derived from previous short-term nitrogen balance studies, that the nutritional quality of isolated soy protein is high and that this plant protein can serve as the sole source of essential amino acids and nitrogen for protein maintenance in adults."

So let me summarize and review...

Soy is not the most biological available source for optimal anabolic muscle growth. If you were to finish a workout, you would want to ingest some high quality whey protein vs. soy proteins. However, simply having soy doesn't mean it's bad for bodybuilding unless you are getting a majority of your protein from soy products. Then it's not optimal. You'd also need to ingest quite a bit on a daily basis for any negative effects of soy to manifest (specifically aimed at males in this sentence).

Copyright 2006 Marc David

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The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding



The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle


The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

1) Deadlift -

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

Not many weight training exercises work as many muscle groups and build muscle as fast as the deadlift. The neck, traps, upper, middle, and lower back, glutes, hamstrings, quads, biceps, forearms, and abs are all utilized in the deadlift. No other exercise is a better test of overall body power. While uninformed people always ask, "how much can you bench," the question they really should ask is, "how much can you deadlift?" A deadlift is the most basic exercise anyone can do. Bending down and picking a weight up off the floor is the one weight training exercise that mimics everyday real life situations. Most people will rarely find themselves on their back needing to push a heavyweight off their chest but everyone has to bend down and pick things up. If you could only do one exercise to build muscle this would be the one to do.

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle
The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

2) Squat -
The squat has been known for years as the "king of all muscle building exercises" and for good reason. I'm not talking about sissy boy half squats either; I'm talking about real below parallel, full squats. If you don't at least break parallel it's not a squat. Like deadlifts, squats involve an enormous amount of muscle mass and stimulate the release of anabolic hormones such as testosterone. This is great for building muscle fast. The squat is probably the most revered exercise among serious lifters and the power rack is considered our sacred ground. If you ever want to develop any kind of real lower body strength and build muscle fast, you have no choice but to squat.

 The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle
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The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle Specifications

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

3) Chin up -

Not many exercises will build muscle in the upper body like chin ups. Known as the upper body squat, chins stimulate nearly every muscle from the traps down to the abdominals. Any exercise that allows you to move your body through space as opposed to moving a weight or fixed implement around you has a much higher degree of neuromuscular activation, and therefore a much greater potential to elicit gains in size and strength. Look at the development of male gymnasts and you will see for yourself what years of chin ups and dips can do for the upper body. If you want to build muscle fast, be sure to include chin ups in your weight training program.

4) Parallel Bar Dip -

A close second to chin ups as one of the best upper body exercises for building muscle fast, and for all the same reasons. If you want big arms you had better include dips in your training program. No other weight training exercise will add slabs of muscle to the triceps as effectively as dips. A huge chest and enormous pair of front delts are also a pleasant side effect that comes with regularly performing this outstanding muscle building exercise.

5) Hang Clean & Push Press -

A total body muscle building exercise which hits the calves, hamstrings, glutes, quads, lower and upper back, traps, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and forearms. Although it is, by definition, an Olympic lift, it can be done in more of a strict manner to really target the traps, upper back, and shoulders. When done in this manner, it is not performed solely with the intention of developing explosive speed like most Olympic lifts are performed. Doing the clean and push press in this manner is a form of power bodybuilding and will really blow up the traps and shoulders. If you could only pick one weight training exercise for building muscle, this might be the one. It's a shame you don't see this in more bodybuilding programs.

6) Bench Press -

This is one of the three powerlifting exercises and along with Military Presses, is the greatest of all pressing movements for building muscle in the upper body. When looking at the effectiveness of an exercise, the questions to be asked are what will allow the lifter to use the most weight and what exercise involves the most muscle mass. The bench press meets both of these prerequisites and besides being incredibly effective as a muscle building exercise, it is one of the best measures of upper body power.

7) Military Press -

Also known as the front press, this was once considered the number one measure of upper body power and was the premier muscle building exercise for the upper body. In the old days of strength training most people didn't even do bench presses; every weight training exercise was done standing up. Bench pressing was looked down upon as a show lift and real men only did overhead presses to build muscle. Bench pressing took over with the development of powerlifting and bodybuilding and the military press took a back seat. It is still however, a great measure of upper body power and should be done by anyone interested in building an impressive set of shoulders and building overall muscle mass throughout the upper body. Even though some uninformed doctors will have you believe that overhead pressing can be dangerous, old time strong men argue that there would not be as many shoulder injuries as there are today if the military press had remained the upper body weight training exercise of choice. Equally effective variations of the military press include the push press, push jerk and split jerk.

8) Bent Over Rows -

When it comes to building muscle in the upper back and lats, bent over rows are hard to beat. This weight training exercise can be performed many different ways; palms up, palms down, wide grip, close grip, to the abdomen, to the sternum, with an ez bar or with a straight bar. However you do them, nothing will develop thickness in the back like rows will, and anyone who has been involved with bodybuilding for a while will tell you there is nothing more impressive than a well developed back, muscular back.

9) Good Mornings -

Although they are a rarely performed weight training exercise by a large majority of bodybuilders, good mornings remain one of the staples of a good size and strength gaining program. Powerlifters seem to be the only ones who know about the muscle building properties of this outstanding exercise. The reason this muscle building exercise is often avoided is that good mornings are brutally hard work. But that hard work brings huge rewards. Good mornings will build muscle fast and pack tons of size on your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. They are also one of the best weight training exercises to help improve your squat and deadlift, which is the main reason they are a mainstay in powerlifting.

10) Pushup -

Yes, you read that right, I said pushups are one of the best weight training exercises to build muscle fast. For a beginner pushups are the absolute best muscle building exercise to do for the pecs, delts, and triceps. However, as you make progress and get stronger pushups become too easy and are usually forgotten about. That is a huge mistake. There are several varieties of pushups that can be used by intermediate and advanced lifters such as elevated pushups on pushup handles, dumbbells, or chairs. Pushups can also be done on gymnastic rings hanging from chains and suspended a foot or so above the ground to make them even more challenging. When either of these versions of this awesome muscle building exercise becomes too easy you can have a partner hold weight on your back, use a weighted vest or even drape heavy chains across your back. If you are looking for more variety, Hindu pushups are another great version of this exercise and can sometimes humble even the strongest of men.

So there you have it, the best weight training exercises for building muscle fast. All the food and supplements and drugs in the world are worthless if you train like a Nancy boy. Machines and isolation movements are as effective as running on a treadmill when it comes to getting big and strong. Stick with the weight training exercises above; make them a staple in your training, and start saving up for a new wardrobe. Its time to build muscle fast!

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The Top Ten Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations


Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

I will cover diet in more detail in another article, but for now I'll give this advice: it is best to consume a diet consisting of approximately 50-60% carbohydrate (mostly complex carbs.), 30-40% protein, and around 10% fat. Try to stay away from junk food, and drink plenty of water. To stay fully hydrated is very important to building muscle tissue - remember, muscle is 70% water. Protein sources should come from white and red meat, fish, eggs and other dairy produce. Good carb sources are rice, pasta, potatoes etc.

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

If you are also trying to lose body fat, you must eat in the above way, but you must also create a 'caloric deficit' i.e. take in slightly fewer calories than you burn up each day, while training, and keeping you're protein intake high. In order to work out your maintenance caloric intake, i.e. the number of calories you need to take in each day to maintain weight, add up the calories from everything you have eaten in a seven day period, and divide by seven during a week in which you're weight has not changed.

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations
Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

This is you're maintenance caloric intake. In order to lose fat, consume about 300 calories less each day than this figure. In this way, you will lose body fat while maintaining, or perhaps increasing, your current muscle mass. The addition of some mild aerobic exercise a couple of times a week will also increase the fat burning process. Once you are happy with you're body fat level, you must then increase your caloric intake in order to gain muscular body weight.

 Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations
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Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations Specifications

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations

If you are initially just trying to add muscular body weight, then it is obviously important to eat slightly more than your maintenance level number of calories per day. Increase slowly, eating good food, and in so doing, determine how much you need to eat to progress, without putting on large amounts of body fat. Remember, though, that it is not possible to put on large amounts of muscle without adding some body fat in the process, which can be periodically removed with alterations in training and diet, revealing your hard-earned new muscle.

What rate of progress is to be expected?

In the first six months or so, if you do everything right, you should experience quite rapid progress, especially in terms of strength. However, sooner or later you will hit a plateau where you will have to experiment with your training and diet in order to make further progress, which is where determination and patience come in. Make no mistake about it, there is a law of diminishing returns in bodybuilding where the bigger and stronger you get, the harder it is to add further strength and muscle mass

This is why so many trainees lose interest and give up training, because they lack this determination and drive. The greatest battle that you have in bodybuilding or other strength sport is not with the weights, but with yourself; quite simply put, if you don't have the guts to push yourself, and the will to be consistent, you won't reach your training goals.

In future articles, I'll cover more advanced training for strength in specific exercises, and dietary considerations. Until then; go for it, and put these bodybuilding workout routine diet recommendations to the test!!!

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Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Diet Recommendations